A FACILITY AUDIT is a comprehensive analysis of your court facility; it assesses facility problems, defines current and likely-future facility needs, and recommends a cost-effective facility action program. It is an appropriate choice when you become aware of problems but well before you look for an architect or contractor. An audit works for you by proposing solutions and helping you decide which is best and how to achieve it.

Are these too familiar to you?

  • cases that take forever to get to court
  • standing room only on traffic days and first appearances
  • cartons of files stacked in corridors
  • no place to sequester witnesses
  • no private rooms where attorneys and clients can confer
  • no private assembly rooms for jurors
  • delays and dangers getting prisoners to courtrooms · · ·

Then you should have a facility audit!

IT CAN HELP YOU by clarifying the opportunities and costs facing you in these and other important questions:

  • What are your real court facility problems?
  • What are your priorities?
  • What are your workable options?
  • Should you reorganize and renovate your existing facility?
  • Should you expand on site, lease and renovate an existing building, or build a new courthouse?
  • What are the comprehensive lifetime costs of owning and operating the courthouse?
  • How does the existing facility influence the costs and effectiveness of the agencies it now houses?
  • Should the existing courthouse hold only court agencies, only general government offices, or both?
  • How much should you invest now to minimize lifetime facility costs?
  • How can your architect find and use the information to do the best job?
  • And how you can get answers before committing scarce design or construction funds?

LSC offers an up-to-date, fixed- price, version of services—facility (and security) audits—that have been assisting courts across the country for twenty-five years. Your audit will be conducted by an experienced and reliable facility consultant and will emphasize an on-site assessment of your court facility problems.

AN AUDIT INCLUDES: an on-site survey lasting up to one week including an exit briefing; and a written report presented about two weeks later. The report defines your problems and needs, describes and evaluates the significant choices, and and recommends a phased program of steps you can take to realize security improvements.